Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Lighting" Things Up

I took a photo of the full moon last night. Luckily, it was clear skies because it's cloudy/overcast tonight. It wasn't the first time that I had ever seen a full moon or noticed how bright it was. It was bright enough that I managed to handhold the camera and keep the moon in focus. I don't have the right lens for the details of the moon to come through though, so that's too bad.

Day 42 of
365 Project:

So while the moon wasn't as bright as the sun, it still lit up the ground in its own way. Sometimes, I love to see a bright moon, but at the same time, it's bad because it creates light pollution and I can't see any of the stars.

Today, I wanted to experiment with some lighting from the sun and create "flare" in the photos. I failed. The sun was still too high. I should know better than this because I have done this before when I'm with other photographers, but I still personally like the photo with the backlight that I took (below).

Day 43 of 365 Project:

So now, I'm caught up on my days for the 365 Project.

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