Happy New Year! I started 2011 with a morning run in new running "gear". Wuzzah! I definitely started the new year on the "right foot"! Not only that, today marks the first official day of training for a 10K race! I will be doing a 10K race on Sunday, Feburary 13. I have six weeks to train for the race...even if I am undertrained/unprepared, I will still show up as a crazy runner/athelete/participant with a bulky, professional looking camera and take random photos during the race because I don't care what my finish time is and all I want to do is have fun!
Click here for more info if you want to participate in the 5K walk/run, 10K run (both on Feb 13) or 30-mile bike race (on Feb. 12) and use the discount code "fckrfan" when you register online (not sure if there is an expiration date to use the code?). Also, let's bring in the CHINESE New Year and celebrating it with fun races!