Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Parties

With all the parties that I've attended (or will attend) this month for either someone's birthday or for holiday, I'm ready for December to be over. In fact, I wanted to skip the whole month of December during the Thanksgiving weekend because I had so many parties to attend just for the month of December and I was overwhelmed by the thought and amount of food.

A few weeks ago, my friend hosted a birthday party. It was originally for her birthday, but she decided to have a party to celebrate her birthday with mine because my birthday was five days after hers.

Click here for more photos. Yoko made most of the food and what a great cook!

On the same weekend of my friend's birthday party, I attended a holiday with the L.A. Shoot This! photography group which also happened to be on the same day as my birthday. So I attended the holiday party and we celebrated my birthday as well as Christmas with any other holidays being celebrated.

White cake with fresh strawberries; For more photos, click here

I attended a holiday party for my karate class last weekend. There were demonstrations for all to see, a pinata for the kids and food for everyone to eat.

For more photos, click here

This is the last of the holiday parties as I will be attending another one this Friday with my family. I am attending another holiday party on New Year's Eve with my family and another one on New Year's Day with my friends.

Before I forget, please visit my foodie blog as I've recently updated it with a few food events where I had lots of fun at.

1 comment:

  1. I missed this one .
    Belated happy birthday+ Happy New year
    In friendship
