Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lightroom 2 Take Two

My friend asked me to take a picture of myself with the Lightroom 2 software. Since I need to work on how I feel with self-portraits and I'm running out of ideas for this 365 Project anyway, I'm taking him up on his offer/suggestion. (Taking self-portraits was one of the ideas for the 365 project.)

Self-Portraits make me feel self-conscious and conceited. I'm not conceited, but if I can get over the self-conscious part, I can work with future clients, who will be strangers at first, in the future.

Day 82 of
365 Project:


  1. well you make a great model :)
    i post self portraits and im not conceited either :P
    it's just that sometimes when i dont have other models/things to shoot, i test shoot myself. Thats what i did the other day and suprisingly they came out pretty good so i posted them *hehe*
